
Love is a universal word that has multiple meanings. You can love pizza, animals and humans etc.. Only that love would mean something different. I love pizza to me means I really like its taste and enjoy eating it. I love my dog ‘Cubby’ a toy poodle. When I say I love my dog I mean I enjoy caring for his needs, I cuddle him with affection and enjoy playing with him and his rope. My dog is a great companion.

I love my husband has even a deeper meaning to mean. My husband is my best friend, lover and companion. Our love is based on a commitment to each other and our marriage.

The bible talks about God’s love for us. That He loved us so much he sent His one and only son to die for us. Jesus loved us enough to die for us even though we didn’t know him or even exist yet. That’s a powerful love, His love is eternal love. His love is real and reliable.

If you’ve never experienced His love you can.  How can you know this kind of love?  By asking Jesus Christ to come into your life, repent for your sins and receive his forgiveness.

Yes, it’s that simple. The reason it’s simple for us is because He paid the price for our forgiveness. Love will embrace you and you will experience a deeper love that only God through Christ can give.