It is well…

Today was a good day. I found out my 25% of weight bearing on the ankle was more than the Physical Therapist’s. This explains the amount of pain I was in yesterday.

‘It is well with my soul.’  Is a title to a beautiful song that was written during tragedy.   But what does that mean and how can you say that in the midst of adversity or tragedy?

So first what is my soul? It is your mind, will and emotions. How can it be well with my mind, will and emotions? Especially in today’s world.

Your mind thinks, dreams and creates. Your emotions will follow your thoughts. But your will steers the mind. You can choose your thoughts or refuse thoughts.  I can choose to trust or worry. I can think on things that are good and lovely or negative and nasty. The choice is mine but remember as a person thinks the emotions will follow and soon if it’s not healthy thoughts it produces stress, fear and anxiousness. I can think on good things or bad the choice is mine as it is yours too.

The Bible states in Philippians 4:8 “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, what ever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things.” The word of God gives us better things to mediate on. Meditate on those things not on bad, hard or fearful things.

Meditate means to mutter to oneself. Muttering is the things you are thinking on and revolving in your mind. I choose God’s word to think on especially if I can’t think of anything good in a situation.

I can say it is well with my soul even though my ankle’s hurt after PT.  Yes, ankles because my right is just as bad as the left was. Why can I say it is well? Because I choose to think on the good result in the end. It is one more step in my healing journey. God is working in me healing through this whole surgery-recovery process.

You may be in a healing journey also; it can be well with your soul too. As you choose to think on the good…