How to stop fear from stopping you!

Jesus is the living Word

There are all kinds of fears from interpersonal problems, phobias, or future decisions and the list go on. When fear stops us from moving forward in life it’s time to address it and get free of it. When your instinct is to run away instead of face the problem it is time to face it.

What makes us want to proceed in a situation that is hurting us instead of facing what keeps us locked up inside? Usually, some type of fear either of rejection, failure, people, circumstances, projected outcomes etc. Sometimes we do not even realize it is fear stopping us. We cast the blame on others, or we get so accustomed to being afraid we think its normal for us. But God has so much more for you than you can even imagine.

Fear can grip our minds and hearts that we don’t move, it makes us not want to face pain, but God has a greater plan. Fear is not from God. When you’re a child of God you have what it takes in Christ to overcome anything. When we give fear an open door to torment us it becomes a stronghold designed in such a way that you accept it as ‘that’s just how I am.’ But fear isn’t the way that you are its what fear is trying to get you to believe you are.

First allow me to make a distinction there is a healthy feeling of fear if you’re walking alone and sense somethings wrong follow that inclination and get to safety. That’s not the terror I’m talking about. I’m talking about the type of fear that stops you from being all that God called you to be.

When fear tries to stop you, we have the power to cast it off us and others in Jesus’ name. Fear will play along with your mind and tell you lies to keep you believing you can’t, or it won’t work, it’s bad etc. Do not accept the lies! Speak out in Jesus’ name ‘No I have the mind of Christ’ “I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me to do it.”

I speak this scripture to fear, 2 Timothy 1:7 “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” This is a promise a child of God can say out loud to fear it must leave.

Fear is a spirit, with an assignment to make you believe lies are real and to torment you to stop you from living an abundant life.

Faith in God is real, trusting in God is real but fear of something seems real but it is a smoke screen to stop you from whatever it is sent to stop you from. Tell it to go in Jesus’ name. It sounds simplistic because Jesus did the work at Calvary for you to be free of fear. He defeated the enemy and gave us the power to cast out demons in His name.

Jesus supplied so much more than just freedom from fear. Do I get afraid sometimes? Yes, I have but God has empowered me to rebuke it in Jesus’ name and it leaves. Start speaking the name of Jesus to fear it isn’t from Him so it must go. It is time to live the life of freedom from fear that Jesus paid the price for you to live.