Good time and hard time friends

Friendships are a blessing from God. I have some lifelong friends who I don’t see every day or often because we live in different states. But they have been both good and hard time friends. I also have friends I’ve meet through the years who I’ve known for 20 plus years. I have close friends and not so close friends, but all these friends are beautiful friendships in their own way.

Knowing the difference helps to avoid the hurt. Usually good time friends are there when life is good and fun. But if they’re just good time friends, don’t expect them to be there in the hard times.

I have found hard time friends are there for all the seasons of life. The good, hard and mundane times. They’re the individuals you can depend on for support. These are the people you’ll depend on and they depend on you.

Cherish all types of friendships. But it’s wisdom to know your types of friends so that you can lower your expectations and avoid the hurt and disappointments.

Our expectations are the things we expect someone to say or do in situations. But they’re unaware of our expectations or our expectations may be unrealistic.

 So often our expectations of others set us up for hurt, frustration and resentments. By lowering your expectations, you will avoid hurt and will be able to enjoy the friends you have.