Good and Bad Days…

As I was thinking about yesterday, we all have good and bad days.  To be honest no one really likes a bad day either.

Friday, I went to grandparent’s day at two of our grandchildren’s school.  My friend Karen took me and pushed the wheelchair.  By evening my breathing was labored and I was short of breath and my heart was racing.  Usually for my body that is an indication the asthma is flared up.  So, I started my inhaler and Saturday still felt bad I then used the outdated rescue inhaler and still wasn’t feeling good.  Which means it’s time to dig out the nebulizer my least favorite thing.

On Sunday I had planned on going to church.  Since it’s been a long recovery with my right ankle being as bad as the left was it has been tough getting around.   And to top it off my right knee and hip are sore I guess hopping isn’t their favorite either.  Anyways, by Sunday morning my breathing isn’t better, so we don’t go to church.  I’m beginning to experience some disappointment.

Monday, I tried using the rescue inhaler then Symbicort back to back really helped.  I’m feeling a little better and I get a letter in the mail from UHC our insurance company.  It states my 8-20-19 procedure is under review.  They want to know what caused my injury!  Did I fall, have a sport injury or a car accident etc…?   

You would think after eight joint replacements they would know my case nope the right hand doesn’t know what the left is doing. I call the number it is an automated questionnaire that couldn’t understand my no. I keep repeating it over and over seriously my patience was thin by then.  So, I call the number on my ID card talk to someone to explain why this is so bothersome.  I was respectful but upset.  I explained been dealing with this bone disease since I was a child never played sports, so no it wasn’t a sport injury either.

She then makes me speak to Optum who does their claim reviews.  That lady thought I had a hip replacement and proceeded to tell me they must be sure I didn’t fall.  It’s a standard letter they already paid for my surgery.

Had I felt better maybe I wouldn’t have been upset but I didn’t feel better.  I call that a bad day for me.  I’ve had much worse days but after all this time to wait to walk to have a rt ankle that won’t hold me up and no I couldn’t breathe it was a rough day for me, but it ended on a better note.

I can walk down our two-step landing into our family room with a walker by myself.  My husband suggested moving me back down there and it was very nice to sit in the family room instead of the landing.

I wrote this saga so that when you read my blog you would know that I too get bad days and I too can experience sadness.  NO one is exempt from them.  Only Jesus perfectly responded to every situation.  God isn’t mad that I felt sad or overwhelmed He comforted me through my expression of frustration. Once I got it out.  Stuffing emotions only leads to more pain but addressing and working through stuff leads to empowerment and understanding.  (I assertedly expressed my frustration I didn’t take it out on them, or name call I just expressed it.)

The bible even tells us in Ecclesiastes there is a time and season for everything.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 “To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: 2) A time to be born, And a time to die; A time to plant, and a time to pluck what is planted; 3) A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to breakdown, and a time to build up; 4) A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; 5) A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from  embracing; 6) A time to gain, and a time to lose; A time to keep, and a time to throw away; 7) A time to tear, and a time to sew; A time to keep silence, and a time to speak; 8) A time to love, and a time to hate; A time of war, and a time of peace.”

The lady on the phone said she gets constant stuff from UHC too.  Her voice sounded like Roz in the cartoon movie Monster Inc.  the minute I heard her voice I had to smile I could just envision Roz.  The lady said they already paid my bill it’s a standard letter they send after surgery.  Ok but I called two months in advance to get clearance I think that would have been a better time to ask. Oh well.

Whatever season you are in take a breath, ask God for wisdom and trust the plan.  I’m still in a time to heal.  This week I start 100% weight bearing with a walker.  That doesn’t mean I will be walking perfect yet, but I trust the Dr’s plan and I know God’s working in this healing.

So, hang on in the bad and good days trust God’s plan.  You will make it.

2 thoughts on “Good and Bad Days…”

  1. Love you Annette💛
    Grateful for your friendship. Love our Tuesday and Thursday gatherings, LOL

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