God’s Love is R.E.A.L

God’s love is Reliable.  Reason why it’s reliable because you can rely on his love.  Reliable means that it is trustworthy.  Scripture states, “God so loved the World he sent his one and only son to die for it.” 

God’s love is so reliable he sent His son Jesus to die for you before you ever where born.  We do know that history has shown God’s love for all mankind.  History, archeology and prophecy have demonstrated what is in the Bible.  There are the facts throughout history that prove the truth of the Word of God.

God’s love is eternal.  Why because God is love and that he existed before mankind was created and That He provided the way to eternal life.  God is everlasting there is no beginning and no end of Almighty God.  Therefore, his love is eternal.

God’s love is for all.  All this means everyone.  Unfortunately, some won’t accept his love by Christ Jesus.  But nonetheless, it is available for all who call on the name of the Lord.  The Entire 7.7 Billion people and counting.  Past, present and future could experience God’ love.  Choice was ours to accept or deny his love. 

God’s love is love.  The true definition of love is God.  Scripture tells us in I John 4 “God is love.” In 1 Corinthians 13 it tells us what love looks like.  All the way through scripture it gives the expression of God’s love as unfailing, everlasting, strong love.

God’s love is personal.  You can experience the love of God through His Son.  If you’ve come to this blog and you’ve never asked Christ in your life today’s your day.  Ask him to demonstrate to you his love and to come into your life and forgive you of your sins.

The Bible says we all sinned and fell short of the Glory of God.  Ask today and you receive Jesus as your Savior and Lord.  You encounter the love of God personally.  For all those of us that have felt the Lord personally it is a good reminder that his love is reliable, eternal, for all, and real love.