Giving Advice…

How often do we receive advice without asking for it? How do you feel about that? Usually unwanted advice isn’t received well.

I read in the Bible that Job lost almost everything plus finished up with sores all over his body. His faith in God remained being tested but what I observed is the advice most of his ‘friends’ gave him was not good and neither was it accurate. They were giving advice according to what they believed about God and Job but accurately it was incorrect.

There are forty two chapters in the book and at the conclusion after God speaks Job says to God in verse five “I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You. 6) therefore, I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.” God showed Job who he really was, and this is Job’s response. He was a humble man.

Giving opinions without basis of truth does not constitute wisdom. Giving advice without all the circumstances isn’t understanding either. There are always both sides to a narrative and then there’s the truth. Make certain that the advice you give someone is backed in the truth and not your views only.

When providing advice be compassionate. When we care about someone, we need to detach from the emotions of their dilemma so we can clearly look at and hear their situation.

Like I wrote earlier most people don’t want unwelcome advice or opinions. It is important to know the timing to speak as well so that our words produce life.

Can they hear you? That is the question to ask yourself whether they can’t hear you due to wrong timing or else unsolicited advice then you’re wasting your breath.

I personally try my best to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. He always has the right word for the need and it’s always a word that produces peace or healing.

Back to Job, after God dealt with the three friends, He had Job pray for them in verse 10 “And the LORD restored Job’s losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed, the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before.” 

There is a moral to this narrative when bad things are happening don’t assume it’s because the individual did something wrong. Don’t judge someone because his friends believed, he sinned against God. When giving advice tell what truth is and what’s your opinion. And don’t carry a grudge against individuals who give bad advice. Forgive and pray for them.

So, if we choose to give someone advice the thought before you have a conversation ought to be is it true, is it helpful and what will your comments produce.