Faithfulness how important is it?

What is faithfulness and how important is it to you? Whether its on the job or a relationship of any kind faithfulness is an essential character trait.

The dictionary defines “faithful 1) steadfast in affection or allegiance: loyal 2) firm in adherence to promises or in observance of duty: conscientious” Merriam-Webster Dictionary

What is the difference between faithfulness and faithful? “Faithfulness is the state of being and faithful is allegiance, loyalty, fidelity?”

What does faithfulness mean to you? To mean it means that you honor your word still when it hurts, you do what you are saying and say whatever you mean. In marriage it is particularly important to honoring your vow of fidelity.

However, when it goes to our everyday life is faithfulness important still to ourselves? I believe it is. If I make a commitment to doing something and I change my mind because of a whim then I’m not being faithful to myself.

For example, as I was completing up my studies, I had several times I had to speak the truth to myself that I will be able to do it and I will finish it. All your reading and writing can on occasion become overwhelming, but I kept saying, I can do it.

Maybe as you’re reading this your facing something that you need to finish and that your feeling like quitting. Hold on because many of us face a certain point in life where we must decide ‘I’m not going to give up’ I’m finishing whatever I started.  This statement will produce faithfulness.

Most successful individuals have faced a disappointment and rather than giving up they attempted again and succeeded so can you. This mindset produces faithfulness.

God never let’s go of us He remains faithful even when we are not the bible states. That is merely one of his character traits which makes me feel secure in Him because we’re not perfect and he understands that. When you give up a dream or plan it will be able to make you feel beaten but when we go to God with our desires and plans he maintains a way of helping us drive past the pain, strength kicks in and we start to see the deep blueprint He has meant for us come into fruition.

Relationships require security and it’s constructed by faithfulness. Allow God to develop within your core faithfulness and watch it expand in all aspects of your life.

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