Drawn by loving Kindness

God draws us with loving kindness.

Jeremiah 31:3 “The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying: Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore, with loving kindness I have drawn you.”

This was the passage of scripture I was reading and mediating on this morning.

Yesterdays blog was on the Loss art of kindness and yes, I should have said lost but its not lost, missed or stolen. It is a loss in our day and age that kindness even needs to be addressed. Humans need kindness!

Think of it like domesticated animals they thrive on kindness and so do we.

True kindness comes originally from God. His word states, “with loving kindness I have drawn you.” God draws us to him through loving kindness not through harshness, dominance or hate.

He is love and it’s his character to and be love. He leads and guides us in love. His corrections or discipline are done in love. Not to crush you but for your betterment.

When we discipline are children we are supposed to be training and teaching them so that they develop into healthy adults it’s not for punishment. Yes, consequences but consequences need to be equivalent to the disobedience not for revenge or over exaggerated punishment.

In my blog “Healthy Relationships 101” I described what healthy settings are that establish healthy relationships. That blog is for all relationships parent/child, couples, families, friendships etc.

We thrive in empowerment and not control. 

God empowers us to be all he designed us to be through His Son. His loving kindness draws us to him so that His everlasting love can be your constant companion.