The All-Seeing Eye

God leads us with His eye! Have you ever heard of the stories of the Free Masonry’s eye in the middle of the pyramid? Well this is a story of the All-Seeing Eye of God.

Wikipedia states, “The eye of Providence (or the all-seeing eye of God) is a symbol, having its origin in Christian iconography, showing an eye often surrounded by rays of light or a glory and usually enclosed by a triangle.  It represents the eye of God watching over humanity (the concept of divine providence). Although in todays age the Eye of Providence is often associated with Freemasonry, although it is originally a Christian symbol.

In Psalms 32:8 states, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go, I will guide you with my eye.”

I love reading and learning God’s word, you can read and reread it and then if your open to His Spirit you’ll learn each time. I never seen it before sure I’ve read it countless times but this time it was speaking to me. God guides me with His eye.

The word eye in the Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary in this passage means “sight, face, favor, presence, knowledge and humble…” when studying the Bible, I was taught to constantly read in context of the whole chapter among other things.

The first part of the Psalm talks about forgiveness and then verse nine states, “Do not be like the horse or like the mule which have no understanding, which must be harnessed with the bit and bridle. Else they will not come near you.”  Basically, listen and to abide by the guidance of God so that you don’t have to be led like a mule along with something you don’t like.

I thought God knows beforehand what’s ahead, He sees what we do not so allowing Him to guide will avoid a lot of bumps in the road. Also, He knows the plans and objectives He has for us.  His sight is more far reaching than ours.

Letting yourself to be guided by God’s Eye is practically the same as following his Presence.  Moses said in Exodus 33:15 “If your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.” He wasn’t going with out God’s Presence and the instructions and neither should we. That’s the same principle as the being guided by God’s Eye.

Nothing can be compared to the favor of God, listening to his voice so that you will know which direction to go provides assurance to take the necessary measures of faith needed in any situation.

God is not unconcerned with His individuals or their needs rest assured He guides and provides.  You can put your faith in Him.


What is confidence? According to google: “1) the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something, firm trust 2) The state of feeling certain about the truth of something. 3) A feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities: Self-assurance.”

Confidence in God is beneficial, for we can place our lives and outcomes in His Hands-He is faithful. Proverbs 14:26 “In the reverent and worshipful fear of the LORD there is strong confidence, and His children shall always have a place of refuge.”

We can have confidence in the Word of God because it has proven to be true archeologically, historically and prophetically. Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

Confidence as self-assurance occurs as we learn and develop in our knowledge, gifting’s, and talents. As we study in order to learn a career or position, we grow in confidence.  The ability to do anything you are unfamiliar with makes anyone anxious, but willing to try builds confidence. states, “Confidence means feeling sure of yourself and your abilities not in an arrogant way, but in a realistic secure way. Confidence is not about feeling superior to others, it is a quiet inner knowledge that your capable.  Confident people-feel ready for everyday challenges.” I like this statement.

We cannot build confidence when we are stagnant. However, we grow confidence while we take steps attempting new things or learning new ideas. Getting trained or teaching helps to achieve the goal of what you would like to learn or do.

Confidence is derived from the understanding in your mind you can, you will, and you will not stop.

Therefore, understanding the way you feel or think about yourself is so crucial.  If all your rehearsing in your mind remain negative statements of, “I won’t, I can’t, or I’ll never,” this just beats you down and prevents you from being confident to try. It’s time to say, “I will try, I can do it, I will do it.”

It is time to let God heal the hurt and things that drive you to put yourself down. You can be free to grow in confidence. Begin today to speak truths to yourself. You can learn and develop and build confidence within yourself.Check out the beauty for Ashes page for more information. Lesson Two Beauty for Ashes

Patience, Patience, Patience…

Don’t we all enjoy patience! Well perhaps not all of us. My definition of patience is quietly waiting without grumbling or complaining. Since that is my definition of patience where do you think you are in your definition of patience?

As I waited for my daughter’s goat Kiki to birth her babies yesterday, I looked at my daughter and she said to me, “now we wait we must have patience because they come only when their ready.”  I was thinking about the patience it takes to be a rancher. This goat had two dates, so it was a question of which date is correct and the wait began. I had never seen an animal birth, so I was thrilled to wait. Well I do not believe that Kiki wanted an audience because we left and came back later, she still didn’t birth her babies, so we came back home. She started birthing at 11ish we had been was fast asleep. But Kiki as well as her three kids are all in good health and doing great. They are super adorable.

This experience led me to thinking about patience. How essential it is to practice patience as well as what an asset it is to have. Since we must all apply patience during this pandemic, I think it’s suitable to take the time to look at patience. According to the dictionary: “Patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering with out getting angry or upset.”

Patience when anything is delayed. How many times has something been delayed in your life? It may not always feel good to wait on longer than anticipated although it is doable. We can withstand longer in delays by not complaining and looking at the situation in negative ways. The minute we begin complaining our endurance gets affected. Getting angry throughout a delay only affects yourself. Choose to speak the truth to yourself so your waiting will not influence your thoughts and emotions.

The Bible states, James 1:2-4 “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials,3-knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience, 4-But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” I may not immediately feel joy in trouble although knowing God is working in the trouble and in me is helping to refocus off the trouble. Choosing to speak truths for example is stating God will help, because his word promises to help his children. Or speaking truth may also be I am growing in maturity in this time of patience. Even if you do not feel like your growing you’re going to be growing.

Patience during trouble is also difficult if your concentrating on the trouble. Choose to speak life into the difficulties. Trouble comes in many forms big and small. Any unforeseen problem financially can be real trouble for many. I find and speak a scripture into the problem. It will help me to refocus onto the Lord and his provisions. God also provides wisdom when we ask him.

Patience during suffering may be difficult also.  Suffering comes in all shapes too. Physical, emotional and psychological suffering can all be tough times for being patient. Throughout my ankle recovery I told myself to understand I have never been through this one before and to trust God in the healing process. I knew this was going to be a longer recovery because of my bones being soft. I am still in rehabilitation for the ankle almost finished but not yet.

When we decide to be patient in delays, trouble or suffering we are increasing in maturity. Allow patience to have the full work in you so you become mature and complete.


Character, integrity, reputation and your word.

Weeks ago, I was confronted with a choice do I willing tell a white lie to have my dog groomed early or else do I do the right thing.

I choose to not tell a lie and wait until his groomer shop opened.  To me all I understand is my integrity as well as the reputation is all you have. Honesty is the “quality of being honest and having strong moral principle, moral uprightness.” According to a dictionary “Integrity means following your moral or ethical convictions and doing the right thing in all circumstances, even if no one is watching you.” “Having integrity means you are true to yourself and would do nothing that demeans or dishonors you.”

You cannot bring your money alongside you after you die but once I am gone everything that people will remember is exactly how I treated individuals and my integrity.

Life is funny in this manner. You can amass a quantity of wealth which can be destroyed in the flicker of the eye, but your good name is purely based on you. What you are saying and do, the way you honor your word, how you are treating people. That is what remains left behind.

Character means: “the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.”   My character consists of many things. What are you doing that makes you, you? Honesty, loyalty, persistence, perseverance and faithfulness these are favorable character traits that we can or may not have. Having a nice character is represented in actions and words.  I say actions first and foremost because any one can say everything, but good character follows through with actions.

Your word in the western movies was like money people trusted on somebody’s word.  We no longer go by an individual’s word when buying.  But that does not imply your word does not really matter.  So often individuals’ go depending on how they feel rather than honoring their word. When we will not honor what we are saying it harms confidence and the character.  The bible says, “honor your word even when it hurts.” This represents a faithfulness in action and integrity.

I would encourage each one of us reading this to become persons of integrity.

Rest = Faith

What is rest and why is it equal to belief?

Romans 1:16-17 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. 17)For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith, as it is written, “the just shall live by faith.”

Hebrews 4:3 “For we who have believed do enter that rest, as He has said: “So I swore in My wrath, ‘they shall not enter my rest” Hebrews 3:9 “So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief.”

How often do we attempt to do something in our own power to have it disappoint? Rest equals faith when we are surrendered to God by putting our faith in him the rest becomes twofold.

First, when you believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God through his death and resurrection you have eternal life in him for the now and later. This assurance produces rest.

The Israelites did not have confidence in the living God, they went back to what was familiar to them. Therefore, they disobeyed God in the wilderness and could not enter His rest.  There is a place in God where you can release all aspects of your life.  This does not mean you do not do anything because faith and actions go together. What it does mean is you are trusting in God and waiting on His guidance.

I trust God because of who He is and what He has done.  As I trust God ‘the rest’ is a peace within me. I know what ever happens in life His promise to take care of me as well as lead me are truths I have witnessed in action.

One day in prayer I heard in my spirit ‘rest’ at first I thought it pertained to my physical body I had been pushing my ankle and experienced more swelling but a few days later I heard in my spirit ‘Rest equals faith.’ I have been pondering this for a few days.

When we naturally rest, we are at peace, we are relaxed (less tension and anxious), we are still (soothed) and we get rejuvenated (refreshed). As we can see rest is good for our natural bodies.

Just as rest in the natural environment is good for us ‘rest equals faith’ is even healthier for our spirit. Faith in God brings peace, tranquility and restoration.

Now if your belief in God does not give you rest then it is time to evaluate your faith. Ask yourself are you serving God out of obligations or because of love? Are you following religions rules or are you following the leading of the Holy Spirit? Are you doing works to earn from God or are you relying on His grace to do the work?

The Bible says, “Faith comes from hearing and hearing the Word of God.” First, we must believe He is God the bible states. Second, that He is a rewarder of those who seek him. How do we build our faith?

This is how we go from faith to faith, through hearing the word of God.  We also build our faith through reading the Word of God, I ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate His Word to my understanding. We also build our faith by mediating on the Word of God. As our faith grows, we apply action to our faith.

The just shall live by faith the bible says, every believer is given a deposit of faith you increase by hearing the Word of God. And by doing the word of God. Enter His rest in the present and live by faith in God.

Numbering Your Days…

Are you numbering your days? When I keep thinking about accomplishing goals or plans, I usually write them down first. I like lists. I will still make a list of chores for myself. It helps me to get them done. If your struggling in accomplishing things or simply are not where you would like to be start numbering your days.

The bible states in Psalm 90:12 “So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:17 “And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us; And establish the work of our hands for us; Yes, establish the work of our hands.” In context of the entire psalm Moses was praying the prayer and its basis is in God’s eternal existence, judgements, and God’s returning favor to his people.

But when I happened to be reading this psalm verse 12 and 17 just spoke to me regarding when we want to be productive but are not sure how to obtain the motivation. I self-talk the truth to myself. This will contribute to motivate the accomplishments.

God has a particular purpose for each one of us. We are given talents and gifts that are motivationally within us. Sometimes we do not actually know them because we have not been taught how to identify them.

Your dreams or visions for your life are usually linked to those motivational gifts and talents. I will use myself as an example. When I was a child my mom said my friends and I would be playing school and I was always the teacher. The motivational gift to teach was put in me from birth but I needed to take the necessary steps to learn and use the teaching gift. This occurs naturally although I needed knowledge and learning to number my days through education and practical input through others helped to further develop the teaching gift.

So, learning and applying something that you love to achieve is a way of numbering your days. Following are three areas to help us to number our days.

First, in numbering your days is ‘know your purpose.’  The word purpose means “the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.”

You were created by God for relationship with him. Your purpose as a child of God is beneficial to your growth and wellbeing. Outside of relationship with God is empty and lifeless. In Jesus is life, meaning, and purpose.

Your purpose is connected to your dreams, aspirations, or vision. It is also connected to your gifts and callings. Which is a part of your motivational giftings.

Look at what you love and enjoy doing. Examples such as, singers love to sing, writers love to read and write. Comics love to make people laugh.

Secondly, to number your days ‘organize.’ Organize means “making arrangements or preparations for.”

Organize your day. Think about what is needed for that day and then choose what will be done.

Organize your workload. This also goes along with organizing your day. Prioritize what is the most important and do those first. Look at what is not important and if it is not accomplished it will not cause a problem.

Organize your time, energy, and fun. Time is the same allotment for each day and can be broken down into ingredients to balance your day with work, rest, and fun.

Thirdly, to number your days prepare. The word prepare means “make (something) ready for use or consideration. Just about everything takes preparing. Cooking, laundry, work, life etc. To achieve your goals in life it is useful to prepare with what is necessary for the goal. Investigate what is necessary to accomplish your dream or goal.

We all must start somewhere preparation includes all aspects of your life. When you are thinking about numbering your days, I believe that symbolizes being purposeful like having the plan or to do list. Organizing is getting arrangements or preparations for whatever needs accomplished or whatever I have intended to accomplish. Whether it is a daily idea or a lifelong dream it will take a vision which is a plan.

You do not need to have the whole plan to begin. Start with whatever you have and prayerfully ask God for the next step. Begin to number your days in which you may have a heart of wisdom.

Do you need clarity?

What is clarity and why is it needed? These are some questions we will answer. Clarity is vital in many aspects of your living past, present, and future. Clarity is also necessary in the decision-making process, pursuing your objectives and even when buying.

According to Webster’s Dictionary Clarity means “brightness (clearness) clear. The quality or state of being clear: lucidity” I have inserted my interpretation of the meaning in accordance with the areas of our life.

The dictionaries meaning for Clear: ‘1)free from clouds, mist or haze’ pertaining to weather or minds

‘2)free from what dims, obscures or darken’ pertaining to vision

‘3)free from flaw, blemish, or impurity’ pertaining to mind/heart

‘4)free from impediment, obstructions, or hindrances: open’ pertaining to life or walk

‘5)plain or evident to the mind: unmistakable’ pertaining to the mind

‘6)easily perceptible to the eye or ear: distinct’ pertaining to the senses.

‘7)discerning or perceiving easily: keen’ pertaining to intuition/spirit

‘8)free from doubt or confusion: certain’ pertaining to faith

‘9)free from limitation or qualification: absolute’ pertaining to faith/God

‘10)free from quilt(a clear conscience)’ pertaining to conscience

How does one become clear in thought and walk in clarity? To me the reply is be a seeker of truth, not in a relative sense but the actual truth based in facts. Also be prepared to examine and look at the circumstances from various angles. Be open and ready to hear about yourself past, present, and future.

Do not run from your past walk through the hurts and traumas with God and if need be seeking a Counselor who will take you through the healing to the other side.

When we get trapped in the pain, it does not remain down it rises in every area of our life. Guilt, shame, and bitterness are deep-rooted in something and they will power all types of unhealthy behaviors, reactions, mindsets, and self-talk.  Clarity begins when we admit we have a problem.

You do not break free when you hold onto the thing which is hurting you. Past pains which are unresolved do continue to do us harm and blind us. But God can and will help anyone who calls on Him.

The healing starts with admitting there is a problem. Lucidity comes in many forms. Yes, at the start facing things might feel painful but being freed from the pain is worth a temporary discomfort.

When we look at hurts or issues from our past it is not to put blame on someone its objective is to see what your viewpoint was and to heal from the pain. You are not healed from a hurt if that hurt is yet being played in your head. You are also not healed from a hurt when there is bitterness in your thinking and heart. Those are just prison walls we build to protect ourselves from the hurt, but the truth is that those walls are just shutting yourself off and it is not real freedom.

With clarity comes liberty. Freedom to choose your replies instead of reacting. Freedom to choose the health and life over bitterness as well as resentment. Freedom to choose health as well as wholeness over guilt and shame.

Ask God to show you today where you need clarity.

The Darkest Time…

The Silence


The crucifixion was yesterday, I’m afraid they’ll find us.  He’s gone!  They killed Him, the earth shook when he died, and the veil was torn.  What does all this mean?  I’m sad so extremely sad.  I cannot believe He’s gone.  He healed people I saw it with my own eyes he raised Lazarus from the dead! I saw it but now he’s gone…

What they must of have felt and thought…?  Their hopes and dreams of a better future crucified…  laying in a tomb guarded by soldiers.  It must have felt so devasting, the sorrow and pain of seeing him tortured and dying.  Oh, my heart is breaking they must of thought.

But what now?  The longest period in the history of humanity from his capture, death and subsequently silence.  The quiet is deafening the silence is terrifying, horrifying and but then to think one of the disciples betrayed him.

The silence of not actually knowing, he stated that he would come back so how, he’s dead…. the world’s darkest moment in history.

But what was happening in the silence.  In the spirit realm Jesus went to get the key to death and hades.   He conquered Satan and made a display of it.  He preached good news to people who never knew and set the captives free.

But in the physical world on the earth there remained silence an eerie deafening quiet.  Mankind had no indication that the victory was won on the cross.  People weren’t thinking about his return because the anguish, horror and sorrow remained consuming no more hope or joy just silence.   

As I have written this from my mind, I was imagining how they must have felt without knowing what tomorrow brings.  We know what tomorrow represents His resurrection, but they didn’t and in their silence was sadness, but joy was going to come in the morning for themselves and us. 

By His Stripes…

Isaiah 53: 3-5 “He is despised and rejected by men, A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.  And we hid, as if were, our   faces from him; He was despised, and we did not esteem him. 4)Surely, He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted. 5) But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed.”

Today is what we call ‘Good Friday.’  Today Christians remember Jesus of Nazareth died on the cross for our sins and sicknesses.  Today is the day of salvation for those people who do and don’t know him.  Salvation is life, peace, health and eternal life for those who confess Jesus as Lord.

He is Lord overall, but the question today is He Lord over you, your life and everything it encompasses?  There’s a difference between believing Jesus existed and believing and letting Him be LORD over your life.

Today is the day we recognize Jesus died a brutal death for mankind’s sins.  It’s a time of thought-provoking and a time to set aside a moment of contemplation.  Forgiveness is available to everyone when we repent of our sins and turn from them.

It is good to permit the Holy Spirit to search our hearts so if there be any issue in us that needs to be let go of or forgiven, we can surrender before the lord.

I’ve been mediating on verse five for a couple weeks and did a word study from Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary for these words wounded, transgression, bruised, chastisement, peace, stripes and healed.

It’s interesting that this section say’s ‘He was’… ‘for our’… so as I expound on the following words place your own name into the place of ‘for our…’

He was Wounded meaning bore, to profane, to wound, to break and defile.  He bore the profane, the breakings and defilements we have.  For our Transgressions meaning rebellion, sin, trespass.

He was Bruised meaning crushed (lit. or fig.) destruction, contrite, humble, oppress, destroy, smite.  He was crushed, humbled, oppressed and destroyed.  For our Iniquities meaning moral evil, fault, mischief, punishment, sin.  Our sins warranted punishment and He took those on himself in our place.

The Chastisement meaning correction and the restraint of our faults and sins He took.  For our Peace meaning safe (fig.) well, happy health, prosperity, peace, safety, welfare and favor and whole.  The price of the penalty for our peace he took on himself.

By His Stripes meaning bound (with stripes) black and blue, bruises, hurt, wounds, stripe.  I think of the 39 stripes he took for me where he was brutally torn by bone fragments in the leather stripes, he took that for us to be healed, restored and no longer separated from God.  We are Healed meaning mend (by stitching) (fig.) to cure, (cause to) to heal, repair, thoroughly, make whole.

So those stripes purchased complete healing, restoration and wholeness for you.

This is powerful and revelatory if you have never realized what salvation means.  Salvation is eternal life, but it is eternal life now in the present day not only when you go to heaven you can walk in the eternal life now.  Your healing was purchased on the cross by Jesus.  Today is the time of salvation for everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord.  By his stripes you are healed spiritually, physically and made whole.

Own, Express and Release

Own, Express and Release is one way in which I like to think about our emotions.  One cannot reject their emotions regarding circumstances, world events or relationships without it triggering future troubles.

What are our emotions?  They are defined as “A natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood or relationship with others.”  Similar words for emotions are “feelings, sentiment, sensation, reaction, response, passion, intensity, warmth…”   God gave us emotions for a good reason.  We don’t follow our feelings in decision making but a person must recognize their feelings to process circumstances.

What I mean by that declaration is one should recognize how you feel so you’re not be led by a feeling in your circumstances. But you’ll have the ability to process how your feeling to ensure that your decision making isn’t compromised.

First how do we Own it?  To me this means plainly ‘admit’ to how you are feeling sad, frustrated, scared, fearful, can all be emotions along with happy, joyful etc.  Anger is another feeling which is what some describe to as a secondary emotion because anger is a feeling that signals there is something going on within you such as hurt, fear or frustration.  Once you step back from the anger and have a look at how you’re really feeling you will get a more accurate picture of yourself.  So rather than being angry you’ll be able to admit what’s really going on inside of you.

Which then leads to expressing your emotions.  Expressing emotions can seem scary to someone who is not used to it.  Even if you’re not use to discussing your feelings now is the time to try.  Start with someone you feel safe to talk to.  Sometimes we just need people to listen to us.    

Here are a few ways to express emotions 1) talk about them with someone you trust 2) write out how your feeling 3) cry it out 4) use the emotion in a way that isn’t harmful to someone else. 5) Draw what your feeling…

When your expressing your feelings it ‘releases it’ from your mind and body.  Releasing it also is like letting it go.  It means you’ll be living in a way that those feelings are no longer fueling your day.

March 2020 was unsettling for all the people in America and around the world.  Other countries were infected by the virus before March but now each nation has been plagued by the Covid-19 virus.  It has altered our views and resources.  This remains unsettling times for everyone.  So yes, it’s ok to express your feelings and allow yourself time to mourn.  I recommend that you read my post ‘Grief Work.’

So that your able to comprehend your feelings currently.  Grief is a gift to go from loss to healing.  Our eldest granddaughter is a senior in High School and as of this day there has been no news about graduation or prom etc.  All graduating grades have students in limbo, so we need to let them grieve.

People all around the world have lost loved ones alone which is an awful situation and it makes mourning even harder.  These people and families need time to heal still after the Covid-19 virus is gone. 

I’m writing this to tell you that if your emotions are all over begin to own it as well as express them in healthy ways.  This will help you to release pressure and an assurance that your able to cope throughout these unsettling times.

Own, Express and Release