Cast Removal Day

Yay! The cast has been removed and onto the grey boot. It’s been four weeks since surgery with no weight bearing. Only two more weeks with no with bearing then on to PT and 25% weight bearing for one week, 50% for another week and back to the Dr. I go in four weeks from today.

So thankful for all the help, food, cards, visits, flowers etc. we have great friends and family.

Journeys come in all kind and from short too long. I think God’s Grace is the number one thing to depend upon when going through life’s journeys. “His Grace is sufficient” and empowering to do all he has called us to do. Right now, my journey is healing and recovering from a total ankle replacement and fracture surgery.

I know God has been and will continue to be with me. He is the healer. I also know and believe my attitude is essential to my healing. When your trust is in God and your attitude is gratitude it produces healthy thoughts, feeling and growth. Have I had rough days and tears yes but deep down I’m thankful that Gods has a plan do I know all the details no I don’t? Do I need to know? No, would I like to know, sure.  But either way it’s still His Grace that’s sufficient and relying on His Grace is the best way.