Back to Church day

Brotherly love

Today was a great day I was able to go to church today. We sat in the back so I could elevate my leg with the knee scooter.

It felt good to be in the house of God with my church family. As I worshiped God, I sensed his presence all round me.

Our Pastor had a brief message today, but it was impactful. His scripture today was Hebrews 13:1-2 “Let brotherly love continue. 2) do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.”

Brotherly love? Does this just refer to family love? The answer is no. Brotherly love is something those that know each other continue in but it’s also love towards humanity. Words like hospitality, comraery, politeness, generosity, prayer, helpfulness and so much more describe brotherly love.

Showing love for one another Jesus said is how they will know we are his disciples. I personally have been shown love throughout this recovery by my husband, close friends, family, neighbors and my church and friends & family on social media. God has given me the grace to go through this recovery in peace and patience.

Although I’m not fully recovered I’m still looking at this surgery & recovery as a blessing. God has brought me through and continues to. The pain I had before surgery is gone and for that I am also thankful.

Let brotherly love continue.  That is a powerful sentence it means we have a choice to continue in brotherly love.  How important is walking in love to God?  I would say very important.  God is love.  When we walk in love, we touch the heart of people and that is Gods way to reach out to others through us.

Let brotherly love continue daily in your life whenever and wherever you go.