What Is A Prayer request?

Prayer requests constitute the petitions to God. The bible tells us to ask God and to be thankful. Philippians 4:6 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God…” It is telling us to be anxious for nothing and present your request unto God with thankfulness. I do not think it means be thankful for the issue but be thankful along with the issue because God is with us and has been working on our behalf and everyone else.

My husband’s open-heart surgery is tomorrow, and we are grateful he can have his heart repaired and that he does have God going into the operating room with him.

I am requesting a prayer for him that the surgeon has wisdom and that all areas of need are met with favor. I believe it honors God to ask for prayer and it shows our faith in him.

I appreciate your prayers for Roger, and I. Thank you,

Dr. Annette

7 thoughts on “What Is A Prayer request?”

  1. Thank you Lord that you have gone before Roger and Annette on this matter and are causing the mountain of sickness to melt like wax and any crooked paths to be made straight. Thank you Lord for Your wisdom that You give to men/women to repair our bodies. May peace be in the hearts of all who will be connected to the procedure, so not to bring any distractions or disturbances. We thank you Lord for steadying all hands that will be involved in the surgery. We thank you Lord for loving us unconditionally and for the grace and mercy You give to us. Thank you for hearing our prayers and for causing Your word to not return to You void but it will accomplish the very thing it was sent to do. Because of the stripes Jesus bore on His back for our healing, I call Roger healed in the mighty name of Jesus.

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