Who is the keeper of your mind?

Let’s look at the mind. What exactly is the mind? Where is the mind situated? Is it in your brain or part of your heart and soul? What makes the mind function? These are some of the questions we will answer.

The brain is intriguing in its functions that are complex and detailed. But what makes the mind function? In her book ‘Who Switched off my Brain’ Dr. Caroline Leaf states, “the five senses are your contact between the external world around you and your internal world, activating the mind.”

According to Dr. Gary Collins in his book, ‘The Magnificent Mind’ “The mind does not exist in a tangible form. Instead, the mind is a word that we use to refer to human thinking, knowing and feeling.” So, the mind does not have a form but consists of a mixture of functions.

The soul comprises of the mind, will and emotions therefore, thoughts, emotions together with our choice is all connected with the mind. Your will is your choice. Your feelings are directly connected to your senses and thoughts.

You have been designed with the ability to select your thoughts; you have the capacity to accept or reject a thought. That sentence is a powerful tool to grab a hold of. Because we can stop worry, stress, or anxiety thoughts on the inception of formation.

At the beginning of a toxic negative thought, you have the power to refuse it and when you do substitute it with a healthy, positive thought that stimulates good emotions of peace and calm.

When our minds our given negative thinking or the what ifs or the how comes etc. it causes even greater stress, anxiety and fear. But your mind is simply that, it’s yours you remain the keeper of the door you permit through the senses what you experience daily.

When something cruel, bad or painful happens it is not possible for us to always stop it from happening, but we can select how we let it influence us for the rest of our life.

The bible tells us we can tear down thoughts and imaginations. 2 Corinthians 10:5 Amp “[In as much as we] refute arguments, theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One.)”

Contrary ideas that are not the character of Christ, we negate anything that is negative, hurtful, fearful, worrisome or aggravating they’re not thoughts that produce life, health and peace.

You alone are the guardian of your thoughts, if your being influenced then you will have to refute the lies. I look on it this way tell the truth to yourself if it doesn’t fall into line with God’s word then let it go, refuse the ideas and then replace them with the word of God.

The bible tells us in Philippians 4:8 NKJV “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever thigs are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things.”  This means to choose to think about these things, for it produces peace. For example, today I got a shot in my right ankle I chose to consider good thoughts and think about Jesus’ which helps me at the same time get a painful shot. I refuse to be thinking about how much it hurts or complain that will make it worse. That doesn’t imply it doesn’t hurt but shifting my thoughts to this shot would keep me walking provides me with help.

You are the guardian of your mind.

Faithfulness how important is it?

What is faithfulness and how important is it to you? Whether its on the job or a relationship of any kind faithfulness is an essential character trait.

The dictionary defines “faithful 1) steadfast in affection or allegiance: loyal 2) firm in adherence to promises or in observance of duty: conscientious” Merriam-Webster Dictionary

What is the difference between faithfulness and faithful? “Faithfulness is the state of being and faithful is allegiance, loyalty, fidelity?” Wikidiff.com

What does faithfulness mean to you? To mean it means that you honor your word still when it hurts, you do what you are saying and say whatever you mean. In marriage it is particularly important to honoring your vow of fidelity.

However, when it goes to our everyday life is faithfulness important still to ourselves? I believe it is. If I make a commitment to doing something and I change my mind because of a whim then I’m not being faithful to myself.

For example, as I was completing up my studies, I had several times I had to speak the truth to myself that I will be able to do it and I will finish it. All your reading and writing can on occasion become overwhelming, but I kept saying, I can do it.

Maybe as you’re reading this your facing something that you need to finish and that your feeling like quitting. Hold on because many of us face a certain point in life where we must decide ‘I’m not going to give up’ I’m finishing whatever I started.  This statement will produce faithfulness.

Most successful individuals have faced a disappointment and rather than giving up they attempted again and succeeded so can you. This mindset produces faithfulness.

God never let’s go of us He remains faithful even when we are not the bible states. That is merely one of his character traits which makes me feel secure in Him because we’re not perfect and he understands that. When you give up a dream or plan it will be able to make you feel beaten but when we go to God with our desires and plans he maintains a way of helping us drive past the pain, strength kicks in and we start to see the deep blueprint He has meant for us come into fruition.

Relationships require security and it’s constructed by faithfulness. Allow God to develop within your core faithfulness and watch it expand in all aspects of your life.

Resolving Your Own Anger…

What is anger? Why do we get angry? And how do we defuse our anger? These questions are important to understand in resolving anger.

First, anger is a feeling that signals that there is something wrong and fuels a reply. Anger is like a warning flag to let you know something is going on inside of you. It’s a secondary emotion because there is always something underneath anger.

What is underneath the anger pain/hurt, afraid/fear or frustration/frustrated. For example, when we’re hurt by a person our body replies with anger first. Knowing everything that is underneath the anger will help you to defuse and resolve the problem.

Hence the bible tells us to be ‘angry but sin not.’ Anger is not the sin but what you are doing with anger can lead to sin. How do you be angry and sin not?

The first thing is realizing what is beneath your anger is fueling it. How do you realize it asking yourself (self-talk) what is going on inside of you? When you answer it, you’ll be able to defuse the anger by resolving the problem.

The second step to resolving the anger is addressing the issue. Approach the problem with the person or situation. Unresolved issues tend to promote anger. It is better to confront in love then stew, brew and boil.

Ephesians 4:26 “Be angry and do not sin do not let the sun go down on your wrath.” This means address the problem right away the longer anger is undealt with the larger the problem will be.

The word anger means “a strong feeling of being upset or annoyed because of something wrong or bad. The feeling that makes someone want to hurt other people, to shout etc.; the feeling of being angry, anger”

Use your words to communicate what’s beneath your anger. Then release the individual who hurt or frustrated you by forgiving them.

If fear is beneath the anger start speaking the truth to yourself. Speaking truths improves our own internal process to settle down and the reality then is easier to view, hear and grasp. For example, your spouse bought something very expensive and you didn’t know about, and your finances are tight this would cause anger to trigger because fear would begin to make you think and feel your going have to do with out or you won’t have enough… Fear makes us think of future problems before it even happens so in reality it may not even happen.

If frustration is below your anger deal with the issue through placing boundaries. Dealing with a situation or person through setting boundaries so that you’re no longer taken advantage of.

Through a step-by-step method you can resolve your anger. Ask questions, address the issue of the anger and answer the problem through truths, problem solving or boundaries

Frustrations may sometimes be from unclear boundaries. Make sure that your boundaries are intact. People can’t runover your boundaries unless you let them. If they storm over them set tougher boundaries. Sometimes we step around our own boundaries and it causes frustration if that is the case forgive yourself.

To resolve anger ask yourself questions, address what is going on beneath the anger and respond to it with truth, set clear and concise boundaries where you start and stop.

Give yourself grace because anger is not a sin. Learning how to resolve anger helps to defuse it.

Address problems instead of complaining.

What is complaining? What’s the difference between complaining and dealing with problems?

We will be looking at how complaining influences our mental, physical and spiritual body. The word complaining means “expression of dissatisfaction or annoyance about something.”

Addressing issues is by no means complaining because its objective is for change and the advancement of the person or situation. Not addressing issues is leading to complaining which does not bring about any change.

When an individual runs from conflict they are not dealing with issues. “Conflict is a door to intimacy.” This is a quotation from Dr. Gary Smalley. What this is representing to me is that when you are ready to deal with issues you will develop in intimacy in your relationships and within yourself. Running away or shutting down the complaint that is addressed for solution stunts our growth.

Complaining will result in more complaining until it becomes a way of life.  Your brain will build the habit of expressing annoyances and your body will eventually weaken its defenses. Our immune system requires healthy things to build it up.

When we address a problem, we ought to do it to seek solutions for a problem. Address a problem by first validating the individual, then speak of the problem then validate again. That’s how you solve problems one problem at a time.

Do not overload the person with other issues when you’re dealing with a problem. Avoid using attack words such you never, you always these phrases just put the person on defense. Be teachable and willing to admit when wrong.

Complaining can be communicated with people or with yourself. Humans have a conversation with themselves, when complaining becomes your go to way to express yourself it will cause harm to your brain, body and spirit. It can become routine because the brain will get use to the negativity and lean towards it. We must be mindful and alert to our self-talk.

Dr. T. Bradberry Ph.D. wrote an article called ‘How complaining rewires your brain for negativity.” He stated, “research from Stanford University has shown that complaining shrinks the hippocampus-area of the brain that’s critical to problem solving and intelligent thought. Damage to the hippocampus is scary, especially when you consider that it’s one of the primary brain areas destroyed by Alzheimer’s.”

He also stated in the article “when you complain your body releases the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol shifts you into fight or flight mode, directing oxygen, blood and energy away from everything but the systems that are essential to immediate survival.” “One effect of cortisol, for example, is to raise your blood pressure, and blood sugar so that you’ll be prepared to either escape or defend yourself. All the extra cortisol released by frequent complaining impairs your immune system and makes you more susceptible to high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. It even makes the brain vulnerable to strokes.”

The bible tells us there is life and death in the power of the tongue. Apparently, science has proven it true. Use your tongue to speak life to yourself, circumstances and family.  

Complaining can adversely affect us spiritually too. Tuesday, I liked a post which was stating a person’s perspective immediately I felt the Lords disapproval. In prayer I asked the Lord about it and He spoke to me Ephesians 4:3 “endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” By my press button I was complaining because I agreed with a post even though I knew to refrain from it I broke the bond of peace for us in the unity of the spirit. I’m sharing my error so it can help someone else. I knew not to like it, but I did it anyways. So, I repented asked God to forgive me and He did. It is so important to follow the leading of the Spirit.

So how can you change if your complaining. First repent and ask God to forgive you. Start speaking life through gratitude. Be thankful and to express it with your words and actions. The minute you begin to think complaints or negativity say no to it and change your thoughts to truths by speaking the word of God to the problem.

Addressing an issue isn’t complaining its part of problem solving.  

Kingdom living…

What is kingdom living? Why would the word of God tell us to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness? I wrote about worry in my last article in the blog and would like to continue with the rest of the passage in Matthew chapter six.

Matthew 6:31-34 “Therefore do not worry, saying ‘What shall we eat?’ Or ‘What shall we drink?’ 32) For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33) But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. 34)Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”

In verse 33 “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness…” the meaning of seek is pursue, go after it pursue with all your heart the kingdom of God and His is capitalized meaning a person Jesus his righteousness is given to us when we are born again. We do not stand before God in our own righteousness. It’s Jesus’ righteousness therefore seek after the kingdom of God, because of Jesus’ righteousness you have access to the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is residing in you, walking with you, seek this because all those other things are going to be taken care of for you. Kingdom living understands God’s providing for all your needs.

In English seek means, “attempt to find, attempt or desire to obtain or achieve, ask for something from someone.” To me seeking the kingdom of God is being kingdom minded. It’s focusing upon and seeking God by way of pursuing him regularly through Jesus and His word.

Romans 14:17 “For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.”

Luke 17:21’…nor will they say, ‘See here’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed the kingdom of God is within you.”  These scriptures verify that the kingdom of God is in us through Jesus and by way of Holy Spirit. So how do we walk in it? That is the question…

Walking in Jesus righteousness, walking in Jesus peace and walking in Jesus joy. Are all three by the power of the Holy Spirit. The kingdom of God lives in you through Jesus in your spirit. You can walk in the kingdom of God by being led in the spirit. That’s the reason you can walk the way Jesus walked. Following the leading of the Spirit is how you walk in kingdom living. Being kingdom minded is also how you walk in the kingdom of God.

Jesus told the disciples beware of the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees. The doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees was traditions of men, wrong beliefs about God’s character and ways. Even though they believed in the written and oral word of God. There was no mercy, no love which is opposite of the kingdom of God.

We also should beware of our own traditions, opinions, attitudes because they obstruct the kingdom of God in us. We can get so self-righteous that we forget our righteousness isn’t ours it’s Jesus’s that’s when it is time to repent.

Walking in the kingdom of God is a pursuit of God daily not legalistically but a daily depending upon him for your needs. Spend time with Jesus in your alone moment in time of prayer, get alone together with Him by calling on Him and He will meet with you. Opening the bible to be read with expectation from God that he will talk to you through his word.

Worry pulls on our mind and heart that is the reason why Jesus said, “your heavenly Father knows what you need but seek first the kingdom of God.”

Jesus walked and was living in the kingdom of God through his spirit. He was in harmony to the Holy Spirits leading in the same way as you can be. He trusted God along with his needs as well as pursued the Fathers will.

Be on guard do not get caught up in the chaos of 2020. Whether you wear or else don’t wear a mask, political stuff, elections etc. “Be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove” the bible says. We can be trusting God through this moment in time we all are living in. We can choose to walk in kingdom mindedness.

As I am writing this article, I heard God say, “Put me first-and watch what I will do.” If that is a word for you receive it because God cares for all your needs. God has it and he is faithful to provide it.  God cares and supports all his children.

Once you have confessed your sins and received Christ Jesus into your heart and made him Lord of your life you will become born again. You have the kingdom of God inside you and you can live in the kingdom of God daily.