Rainy vs Sunny Days

Is there really a difference in rainy vs sunny days?  I believe the answer is yes and no.  Yes, rainy days are wet, cloudy and darker in color.  My grandmother would say “it’s dark and dreary outside today.”  I would think to myself I don’t see the dreary I just see wet.

Sunny days are drier, warmer and less cloudy.  But to me their just sunny.  Although there are some people emotionally affected by weather and there are some who are not.

I can clean in the rain as easy as sunny.  I will sing in the rain or sun too.  It’s about our mindsets.

I think it’s more about your thoughts on those days.  I choose to be thankful in the rain and in the sun.  The weather doesn’t determine my day.  My plans may have to change due to the weather, but it doesn’t have to cause me to change.  My attitude, outlook and emotions can be controlled by me.

My point is weather is always changing but I do not have to let it change me and neither do you.

So how do you not let it affect you?

One, speak the truth to your mind.  I choose to be happy rain or shine.  The truth is weather doesn’t define me.

Two, I can change a plan and do something else it is ok.

Thirdly, be open to change.  Find something else to do.

Simplifying life

How do we simplify life?  What does a simplified life mean?

Having wisdom is essential to having a healthy simplified life.  To me a simplified life is straightforward, made easier in addressing life’s issues and simple in understanding what to do when you need to do it.  Wisdom is essential to a simplified life.   

In Proverbs 4:5-9 states, “Get wisdom! Get understanding! Do not forget, nor turn away from the words of my mouth.” 6) “Do not forsake her, and she will preserve you.  Love her, and she will keep you. 7) Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore, get wisdom.  And in all your getting, get understanding. 8) Exalt her, and she will promote you; She will bring you honor, when you embrace her. 9) She will place on your head an ornament of grace, A crown of glory she will deliver to you.”

Wisdom helps us to simply life because with wisdom is the knowledge to know the right plan of action.  Running from problems complicates situations and life. 

I saw this meme on Facebook not sure who designed it but it’s relevant for a simplified lifestyle.

  “Don’t Complicate Life”

Missing someone         Call

Wanna meet up?          Invite

Have questions          Ask

Don’t like something    Say it

Like something          State it

Want something          Ask

Love someone            Tell them

I think this meme is powerful because it makes it simple.  Wisdom is available to anyone who asks.  The bible says God gives wisdom generously to those who ask for it and believes he will give it. 

If you need help ask, if you miss someone call them, if you want to do something invite someone to do it with you, if you don’t like something say it tell the person.  How can someone change if they don’t know what they do bothers you. 

Obviously, this doesn’t mean blast someone in anger. Living the simplified life means you speak up so that you’re not blasting in anger.  Anger is a secondary emotion which means when we are angry there is something underneath the anger such as hurt, fear or frustrations.  Allow your self to let God show you what you’re really feeling instead of just anger.

You too can choose to live a simplified life.

Back to Church day

Brotherly love

Today was a great day I was able to go to church today. We sat in the back so I could elevate my leg with the knee scooter.

It felt good to be in the house of God with my church family. As I worshiped God, I sensed his presence all round me.

Our Pastor had a brief message today, but it was impactful. His scripture today was Hebrews 13:1-2 “Let brotherly love continue. 2) do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.”

Brotherly love? Does this just refer to family love? The answer is no. Brotherly love is something those that know each other continue in but it’s also love towards humanity. Words like hospitality, comraery, politeness, generosity, prayer, helpfulness and so much more describe brotherly love.

Showing love for one another Jesus said is how they will know we are his disciples. I personally have been shown love throughout this recovery by my husband, close friends, family, neighbors and my church and friends & family on social media. God has given me the grace to go through this recovery in peace and patience.

Although I’m not fully recovered I’m still looking at this surgery & recovery as a blessing. God has brought me through and continues to. The pain I had before surgery is gone and for that I am also thankful.

Let brotherly love continue.  That is a powerful sentence it means we have a choice to continue in brotherly love.  How important is walking in love to God?  I would say very important.  God is love.  When we walk in love, we touch the heart of people and that is Gods way to reach out to others through us.

Let brotherly love continue daily in your life whenever and wherever you go.

Why is knowledge power?

You’ve heard it said, “knowledge is power.”  But why is knowledge power?  Where do you go for help?

Do you first seek out a person?  Or do you run to God in prayer first and he directs you to a person, information etc…

We are facing dealing with the crawlspace repair.  The amount of money it cost would almost wipe out our savings.  So, do you wipe out your savings or do you use an equity line?

These were just a few questions we had that we were unsure of.  We prayed for wisdom.  Then I called a friend who is an assessor and is very good at budgeting.  She gave us quality advice based on facts.  We also had gone to our bank and talked to the manager before I got to talk to my friend and she also gave us the same advice based in facts.

We talked to a refinance person and got the same information.  Their knowledge helped us to make a quality decision based in facts.

If your help comes from people, make sure they are qualified to give you unbiased knowledgeable answers.  Which means “not opinion” but facts based on truth because if it’s not based in truth it’s not a fact.

I prefer to ask God to help who has all the wisdom.  He led us to call a friend, go to the bank etc. 

Psalm 121:1-2 “I will lift up my eyes to the hills-From whence comes my help?  2) My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.”

With the information we have we now can decide the best option for us based in facts and our situation.

Knowledge is power because with knowledge comes the power of good decision making.

Good and Bad Days…

As I was thinking about yesterday, we all have good and bad days.  To be honest no one really likes a bad day either.

Friday, I went to grandparent’s day at two of our grandchildren’s school.  My friend Karen took me and pushed the wheelchair.  By evening my breathing was labored and I was short of breath and my heart was racing.  Usually for my body that is an indication the asthma is flared up.  So, I started my inhaler and Saturday still felt bad I then used the outdated rescue inhaler and still wasn’t feeling good.  Which means it’s time to dig out the nebulizer my least favorite thing.

On Sunday I had planned on going to church.  Since it’s been a long recovery with my right ankle being as bad as the left was it has been tough getting around.   And to top it off my right knee and hip are sore I guess hopping isn’t their favorite either.  Anyways, by Sunday morning my breathing isn’t better, so we don’t go to church.  I’m beginning to experience some disappointment.

Monday, I tried using the rescue inhaler then Symbicort back to back really helped.  I’m feeling a little better and I get a letter in the mail from UHC our insurance company.  It states my 8-20-19 procedure is under review.  They want to know what caused my injury!  Did I fall, have a sport injury or a car accident etc…?   

You would think after eight joint replacements they would know my case nope the right hand doesn’t know what the left is doing. I call the number it is an automated questionnaire that couldn’t understand my no. I keep repeating it over and over seriously my patience was thin by then.  So, I call the number on my ID card talk to someone to explain why this is so bothersome.  I was respectful but upset.  I explained been dealing with this bone disease since I was a child never played sports, so no it wasn’t a sport injury either.

She then makes me speak to Optum who does their claim reviews.  That lady thought I had a hip replacement and proceeded to tell me they must be sure I didn’t fall.  It’s a standard letter they already paid for my surgery.

Had I felt better maybe I wouldn’t have been upset but I didn’t feel better.  I call that a bad day for me.  I’ve had much worse days but after all this time to wait to walk to have a rt ankle that won’t hold me up and no I couldn’t breathe it was a rough day for me, but it ended on a better note.

I can walk down our two-step landing into our family room with a walker by myself.  My husband suggested moving me back down there and it was very nice to sit in the family room instead of the landing.

I wrote this saga so that when you read my blog you would know that I too get bad days and I too can experience sadness.  NO one is exempt from them.  Only Jesus perfectly responded to every situation.  God isn’t mad that I felt sad or overwhelmed He comforted me through my expression of frustration. Once I got it out.  Stuffing emotions only leads to more pain but addressing and working through stuff leads to empowerment and understanding.  (I assertedly expressed my frustration I didn’t take it out on them, or name call I just expressed it.)

The bible even tells us in Ecclesiastes there is a time and season for everything.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 “To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: 2) A time to be born, And a time to die; A time to plant, and a time to pluck what is planted; 3) A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to breakdown, and a time to build up; 4) A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; 5) A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from  embracing; 6) A time to gain, and a time to lose; A time to keep, and a time to throw away; 7) A time to tear, and a time to sew; A time to keep silence, and a time to speak; 8) A time to love, and a time to hate; A time of war, and a time of peace.”

The lady on the phone said she gets constant stuff from UHC too.  Her voice sounded like Roz in the cartoon movie Monster Inc.  the minute I heard her voice I had to smile I could just envision Roz.  The lady said they already paid my bill it’s a standard letter they send after surgery.  Ok but I called two months in advance to get clearance I think that would have been a better time to ask. Oh well.

Whatever season you are in take a breath, ask God for wisdom and trust the plan.  I’m still in a time to heal.  This week I start 100% weight bearing with a walker.  That doesn’t mean I will be walking perfect yet, but I trust the Dr’s plan and I know God’s working in this healing.

So, hang on in the bad and good days trust God’s plan.  You will make it.

Treasure Hunters

I love to watch anything about treasure hunting.  The mystery of where is it and how did it get lost fascinates me.

What do you treasure most?  Have you ever thought about the treasures of your heart/soul?  Maybe your wondering what are those treasures?  Some are attitudes, desires, thoughts, values…  this list comes from the book ‘Boundaries in Marriage’ by Dr. H. Cloud and Dr. J. Townsend.  We are responsible for our own treasures.     

What do you consider to be a treasure?  We only have control over our selves such as our abilities to be happy, smile, think, investigate, choices, decisions etc. they are ours.

In the above-mentioned book, it discusses relationships and boundaries.  Healthy relationships don’t complete each other they complement each other.

There is a chapter in the book called “It takes two to make One.”  They state, “Complementing each other means bringing different perspectives, talents, abilities, experiences and other gifts to the relationship and forming a partnership.”

I love that statement because it forces couples to look beyond the statements of, they fulfill me and makes them think about what they bring to the relationship.

They also state in the book, “Completing each other means making up for one’s immaturity as a person.”  Marriage is meant to be a 100-100% going into marriage based on the other person making up your immaturity doesn’t produce a healthy relationship.  We each are responsible for our own character. 

Here are just a few abilities we each must have that are basic human requirements. “They are the ability to: learn and grow, have initiative and drive, say no, be vulnerable and share feelings, grieve, be sexual, be spiritual, be free and not controlled by external or internal factors.”  I recommend reading the book, ‘Boundaries in Marriage.’

If your completeness is dependent on another you will constantly be looking for something, they can’t give you.  Only you can do the work needed to build your esteem and character. 

Boundaries are where you start and stop.  Knowing your own boundaries helps you to choose your responses.  These areas of our life if we don’t evaluate and decide our responses then you’re going to feel overwhelmed.

Making a hard conversation that could back-fire isn’t easy but not addressing an issue is even harder to live with.

I like to have couples that I have worked with look at this list and write what it means to them.  Because we are responsible for our own treasures.  “Your feelings, attitudes, behaviors, choices, limits, desires, thoughts, values, talents, and love are aspects of your soul.”  Owning your own treasures brings value to your relationships.

The bible describes wisdom as a valuable treasure.  Wisdom gives us the ability to process the knowledge we have with the right choice.  God’s word also tells us that if we ask, God will give us wisdom generously.  To me wisdom is a great and valuable treasure.  

Proverbs 8:10 “For wisdom is better than rubies and all the things one may desire cannot be compared with her.”

Knowing what to do when you need to do it is wisdom.  Start looking at the treasures of your soul and you will begin to understand about yourself and this helps us give from what we have.

I know my identity is in Christ.  He has built me to be healthier and more confident in him and in my life.  To me Jesus is the Wisdom of God.  He will help you look at the treasures of your soul and help you grow in complementing your spouse.

Blog Break cont.

No news on my laptop yet but I’m still working on good ideas. On my ankle recovery I’m doing well. I saw the dr. yesterday and he said I’m healing well. I started 75% weight bearing today at PT. Our crawlspace repair starts Nov 4th. I will be glad to have it done. Mold removal, tile drainage installed and encapsulation. Take care of your crawls boy is that pricey.

Well take care, hope your all doing well. Blessings. Dr. Annette

A friends flower’s

Being Thankful

Attitudes of gratitude. What does it mean to have an attitude of gratitude? How is one thankful in hard times?

Usually an attitude is used to convey a negative, but we can be thankful daily, and it comes through and touches others.

Being thankful in all the situations seems impossible especially during the most difficult and painful times. Being thankful doesn’t mean your thankful for the problem. It does mean in all the surrounding circumstances one can see things their thankful for.

I’m not talking about pretending everything is ok. I’m thinking about how through tough situations somethings people did or said brought support and comfort which can be something to be thankful for.

The word thankful means: “pleased and relieved and expressing gratitude and relief.” It’s and attitude of gratefulness and appreciation for something someone said or did for you. It is amazing how just saying, thanks will express our appreciation. Having this attitude of gratitude for me is a way of life.

The Bible tells us in 1Thessalonians 5:18 “In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

Gratitude is “The quality of being thankful, readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.”

An example of gratitude: today we had another crawlspace company come and give us an estimate to deal with mold and the water in our crawlspace. I’m thankful we found the problem so we can handle it. Even though it will cost much in the long run taking good care of our home will benefit us in the long run.

I’m also thankful even though I have had surgery and been laid up for eight weeks now. I can be thankful for the close friends who brought food, visited with me or sent cards. Instead of being upset that my bone fractured during surgery I’m taking time to heal and be thankful in the process of recovery.

These two situations are different, but thankfulness is still present in my heart. If your focus is on what you can appreciate it helps you to keep your mind off the bad in it.

You still must deal with the situation but finding some areas to be thankful for are healthy for you.

Philippians 4:6 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God…”

Being anxious tries to keep us fearful in the situations but as you surrender the situation to God through prayer and supplication with thanksgiving the peace of God will surpass your understanding and guard you heart.

Choose to be grateful today.

Drawn by loving Kindness

God draws us with loving kindness.

Jeremiah 31:3 “The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying: Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore, with loving kindness I have drawn you.”

This was the passage of scripture I was reading and mediating on this morning.

Yesterdays blog was on the Loss art of kindness and yes, I should have said lost but its not lost, missed or stolen. It is a loss in our day and age that kindness even needs to be addressed. Humans need kindness!

Think of it like domesticated animals they thrive on kindness and so do we.

True kindness comes originally from God. His word states, “with loving kindness I have drawn you.” God draws us to him through loving kindness not through harshness, dominance or hate.

He is love and it’s his character to and be love. He leads and guides us in love. His corrections or discipline are done in love. Not to crush you but for your betterment.

When we discipline are children we are supposed to be training and teaching them so that they develop into healthy adults it’s not for punishment. Yes, consequences but consequences need to be equivalent to the disobedience not for revenge or over exaggerated punishment.

In my blog “Healthy Relationships 101” I described what healthy settings are that establish healthy relationships. That blog is for all relationships parent/child, couples, families, friendships etc.

We thrive in empowerment and not control. 

God empowers us to be all he designed us to be through His Son. His loving kindness draws us to him so that His everlasting love can be your constant companion.