Cast Removal Day

Yay! The cast has been removed and onto the grey boot. It’s been four weeks since surgery with no weight bearing. Only two more weeks with no with bearing then on to PT and 25% weight bearing for one week, 50% for another week and back to the Dr. I go in four weeks from today.

So thankful for all the help, food, cards, visits, flowers etc. we have great friends and family.

Journeys come in all kind and from short too long. I think God’s Grace is the number one thing to depend upon when going through life’s journeys. “His Grace is sufficient” and empowering to do all he has called us to do. Right now, my journey is healing and recovering from a total ankle replacement and fracture surgery.

I know God has been and will continue to be with me. He is the healer. I also know and believe my attitude is essential to my healing. When your trust is in God and your attitude is gratitude it produces healthy thoughts, feeling and growth. Have I had rough days and tears yes but deep down I’m thankful that Gods has a plan do I know all the details no I don’t? Do I need to know? No, would I like to know, sure.  But either way it’s still His Grace that’s sufficient and relying on His Grace is the best way. 


Love is a universal word that has multiple meanings. You can love pizza, animals and humans etc.. Only that love would mean something different. I love pizza to me means I really like its taste and enjoy eating it. I love my dog ‘Cubby’ a toy poodle. When I say I love my dog I mean I enjoy caring for his needs, I cuddle him with affection and enjoy playing with him and his rope. My dog is a great companion.

I love my husband has even a deeper meaning to mean. My husband is my best friend, lover and companion. Our love is based on a commitment to each other and our marriage.

The bible talks about God’s love for us. That He loved us so much he sent His one and only son to die for us. Jesus loved us enough to die for us even though we didn’t know him or even exist yet. That’s a powerful love, His love is eternal love. His love is real and reliable.

If you’ve never experienced His love you can.  How can you know this kind of love?  By asking Jesus Christ to come into your life, repent for your sins and receive his forgiveness.

Yes, it’s that simple. The reason it’s simple for us is because He paid the price for our forgiveness. Love will embrace you and you will experience a deeper love that only God through Christ can give.

Good time and hard time friends

Friendships are a blessing from God. I have some lifelong friends who I don’t see every day or often because we live in different states. But they have been both good and hard time friends. I also have friends I’ve meet through the years who I’ve known for 20 plus years. I have close friends and not so close friends, but all these friends are beautiful friendships in their own way.

Knowing the difference helps to avoid the hurt. Usually good time friends are there when life is good and fun. But if they’re just good time friends, don’t expect them to be there in the hard times.

I have found hard time friends are there for all the seasons of life. The good, hard and mundane times. They’re the individuals you can depend on for support. These are the people you’ll depend on and they depend on you.

Cherish all types of friendships. But it’s wisdom to know your types of friends so that you can lower your expectations and avoid the hurt and disappointments.

Our expectations are the things we expect someone to say or do in situations. But they’re unaware of our expectations or our expectations may be unrealistic.

 So often our expectations of others set us up for hurt, frustration and resentments. By lowering your expectations, you will avoid hurt and will be able to enjoy the friends you have.

When Compassion is compassion

Compassion is compassion when it is done in love. The word compassion means: “sympathetic, pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.” I have been blessed to have people in my life who have been compassionate and giving of time, food, cleaning and even money when needed. Many times, as I recovered from surgeries, faced a hard situation when my granddaughter was born with severe cleft lip and palette and all the surgeries she’s endured, the loss of my mother, sister etc…

I’m writing to encourage all of us to think of practical ways to walk in compassion to our fellow man. Matthew 25: 34 “Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; 35)For I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; 36)I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’ Verse 40) …” Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me’

Friends made food, cleaned my home and even set up a schedule to care for me when I was unable to do so after both total shoulder replacement surgeries. I thank God for those church friends who met those needs years past.

It is Sept 12, 2019 as I started this post and in the last three weeks five women have cooked meals and visited. Since I started writing this blog more friends have visited and brought meals. All these individuals are showing love in a practical way and I’m thankful to God for it. I believe as you read this blog you can be encouraged to reach out to the hurting in practical ways. To me, this blog shows one way that compassion is compassion in action.  

Ups & Downs

Life has ups and downs. Life owes no one anything. Why? Because life is what you make it. Whether you’ve had bad or good things happen to you in life, what you do with what you have makes life good or bad.

Unfortunately bad things do happen to good people. I’ve experienced both. They don’t define who I am, but how I perceived them will make life harder or easier.

I chose to forgive injustices done to me an chose to let go… I asked God to heal the hurts and wounds etc.

God will heal the broken hearted when we ask him. But we have to be willing to let go.

When tormenting thoughts come at us of hurts, pains and injustices speak the truth to those thoughts. Think… I forgave its God’s problem. That is truth according to the word of God. Forgiveness releases us from the pain…

In life forgiveness is a healthy key.

Hello world!

Hi there! I’m Annette Melton. I am new to blogging. I am excited to share my thoughts an insights on relationships, life and love.

I have been ordained since 93′ and have been doing what I call pastoral care & counsel for over 20 years. I’m not an expert but I have learned helpful insights an tools for relationships, life & love. That I believe will encourage and empower individuals an couples.

Let’s learn together…